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Don't judge a book by its cover ~見た目で判断しちゃダメよ~

Hiya !

Are you a judgmental person ? lol

Well, sometimes things turn out differently from what you expected.

You get surprised because it was beyond your expectation : )

Everyone is judgemental to a certain extent toward somethings

because of its appearance, smell, sound and so on.

Also no one wants to be judged by anyone at first glance.

Then it's your chance to use the idiom I'm gonna introduce!

” Don't (You can't) judge a book by its cover ” – Someone or something shouldn't be judged based purely on what is seen on the surface, because after taking a deeper look, the person or thing may be very different than what was expected.

~ For example ~

  • A : Guess what? The film " Frozen" you recommended me to watch sounded quite boring to me but I actually enjoyed it so much in the end.

  • B : I know, right? You can't judge a book by its cover ; )

  • A : What do you think about this restaurant? It looks well dodgy to me. Wanna try this one?

  • B : Haha, don't judge a book by its cover, mate ; ) Let's give it a try and we'll see!

I remember a particular film ( I'm not gonna name it though ;p ) my friend recommended me but neither its the title nor its DVD cover tempted me. Now, it's one of my favourite films! haha

You'll never know how actually it is like unless you experience it ; )

So, let's try not to judge a book by its cover if you don't know whatever it is!

Toodle pip !!


Hiya !

Are you a judgmental person ? lol

Well, sometimes things turn out differently from what you expected.

You get surprised because it was beyond your expectation : )




Everyone is judgemental to a certain extent toward somethings

because of its appearance, smell, sound and so on.

Also no one wants to be judged by anyone at first glance.

Then it's your chance to use the idiom I'm gonna introduce!




” Don't (You can't) judge a book by its cover ” – 見た目で判断しちゃダメよ

~ For example ~

  • A : Guess what? The film " Frozen" you recommended me to watch sounded quite boring to me but I actually enjoyed it so much in the end.

  • B : I know, right? You can't judge a book by its cover ; )

  • A : ねぇねぇ、こないだアナ雪見たほうがいいよって言ってくれたじゃん?つまんなそうなタイトルだったけど、実際見てみたらちょー良かったよ!

  • B : だろー?タイトルで判断しちゃダメよ^^

  • A : What do you think about this restaurant? It looks well dodgy to me. Wanna try this one?

  • B : Haha, don't judge a book by its cover, mate ; ) Let's give it a try and we'll see!

  • A : ちょっとこのレストランどう思う?なんか怪しい感じがぷんぷんするんだけど・・行ってみる?

  • B : はははー、見た目で判断しちゃダメよ^^ 行ってみればわかるさ!

I remember a particular film ( I'm not gonna name it though ;p ) my friend recommended me but neither its the title nor its DVD cover tempted me. Now, it's one of my favourite films! haha

僕も友達にオススメされた映画があって(具体的な名前は出しませんが:p )タイトルもDVDのジャケットも全然魅かれる感じじゃなかったのですが・・


You'll never know how actually it is like unless you experience it ; )

So, let's try not to judge a book by its cover if you don't know whatever it is!

実際に見たりやってみないと実際のところわからないですよね; )


Toodle pip !!



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