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Being like a fish out of water ~場違いな感じ~

Hiya !

Have you ever experienced times when you were not feeling comfortable in any situations?

Because people around you were so different.. Feeling that you didn't seem to fit in the environment. Maybe because of generation gaps.. things that other people talked about and so on.

In these events, there is a perfect phrase to use!

” Being like a fish out of water ” – to feel awkward because you are not familiar with a situation or because you are very different from the people around you

~ For example ~

  • All of them seem to be speaking about business stuff. I know nothing about it >< I'm feeling like a fish out of water.

  • A : Hey, are you alright? You are so quiet today. Hope you are having a good time at this party..

  • B : Oh, sorry. This party is great : ) I'm just being like a fish out of water a bit.

I hope nobody has ever experienced being like a fish out of water in any situations but it happens.. having said that it always is a good opportunity to improve your socializing skill : D

So,, have you ever been like a fish out of water in any environment?

Toodle pip !!



Hiya !

Have you ever experienced times when you were not feeling comfortable in any situations?

Because people around you were so different.. Feeling that you didn't seem to fit in the environment. Maybe because of generation gaps.. things that other people talked about and so on.



In these events, there is a perfect phrase to use!


” Being like a fish out of water ” –  場違い

~ For example ~

  • All of them seem to be speaking about business stuff. I know nothing about it >< I'm feeling like a fish out of water.

  • なんか周りの人達皆ビジネス関連の話してるみたいだなー。そういうの全然わかんないし、場違いかも><

  • A : Hey, are you alright? You are so quiet today. Hope you are having a good time at this party..

  • B : Oh, sorry. This party is great : ) I'm just being like a fish out of water a bit.

  • A : ねぇねぇ、大丈夫?あんまり喋ってないみたいだけど、、パーティー楽しんでくれてるといいんだけど。。

  • B : あっ、ごめんごめん。最高のパーティーだよ^^ただちょっと僕には場違いかなー・・なんて思って。

I hope nobody has ever experienced being like a fish out of water in any situations but it happens.. having said that it always is a good opportunity to improve your socializing skill : D

過去にだれも ”場違い” のような経験を今までしたことがないといいのですが、、ありますよね^^; とはいったものの、そういう時は逆に社交能力(?)のスキルアップのチャンスだったりしますね^^

So,, have you ever been like a fish out of water in any environment?


Toodle pip !!



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